Sunday, 13 March 2011

BBOXX was nominated for the 2011 INDEX award

INDEX: works globally to promote and apply both design and design processes that have the capacity to improve the lives of people worldwide.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

ClearlySo Investment Speed Dating

ClearlySo is the online marketplace for social business, social enterprise, and social investment. ClearlySo answers the practical needs of social businesses and enterprises. They introduce them to investors, product & service vendors - and each other. BBOXX will be attending their Investment Speed Dating event in London on  16th of March to pitch their Container Financing Scheme to more than ten renowned social investors. This scheme is used to give us the required working capital to manufacture and distribute 2,000 of our portable energy solutions in East Africa while giving investors a high yield ethical opportunity with a strong social return on investment. 


BBOXX attended the European final of the Global Social Venture Competition

BBOXX was one of the twelve finalists of the GSVC in London on the 4th of March at the London Business School. Even though we did not finish in the three projects that went on to the world final at Berkley, it was an enriching experience that allowed us to analyse in more depth the social impacts of our business operations. Throughout these events we met many like minded people and potential social investors who could potentially finance our growth and increase our impact on people’s quality of life in developing countries. 

Mr Van Houcke and Mr Dujacquier presenting at London Business School.