Sunday, 29 August 2010

Rwandan Expo: 150 and counting

BBOXX today sold its 150th unit at the 2010 Kigali Expo on its third full day of trading. The BB5 product has been extremely well received by the general public, with many customers wanting more than just one!

An interested customer checks out the BB5 at the 2010 Rwandan Expo
Employees John-Claude, Pacifique and Claver have been working hard to demonstrate the potential of the BB5 in powering lights, mobile phones, shavers and radios. At times the small stall has been swamped with customers interested to learn more about how the product can benefit their lives and give businesses and individuals access to electric power.

Tomorrow BBOXX will be continuing production of the BB5 and putting the finishing touches to its new factory outlet in Kigali. The Rwandan Expo goes on until Monday Septemebr 6th in Kigali - if you're in the country, why not check us out?!

BBOXX employee Claver demonstrating the potential of the BB5

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